Overcoming Unemployment, Dilan Launches The Makassar Work Movement
Candidate for Mayor of Makassar Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical)

MAKASSAR - The high unemployment rate has become a classic problem in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, which has never been resolved. The open unemployment rate in this city is high, above 10 percent.

Makassar City is even listed as the region with the highest unemployment rate in South Sulawesi. Responding to this problem, the candidate for mayor and deputy mayor of Makassar, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (Dilan), launched the Makassar Work Movement or the Let's Work Program.

The program is part of three pillars: Forward, Sustainable and Serving in an effort to realize the vision of Makassar City of Sombere. Deng Ical, Syamsu Rizal's nickname, said that to solve the problem of unemployment, collaboration between the government and the private sector is needed.

Because of this, Dilan has prepared a special strategy in the form of a synergistic collaborative movement called the Makassar Work Movement or the Let's Work Program.

"This integrated functional collaboration is a form of mutual acknowledgment of mutual need and strengthening (between the government and the private sector). The goal is to overcome open unemployment, including those who lack or don't have skills," said Deng Ical, Wednesday, October 7.

If Dilan is elected in the Makassar Pilkada, the former deputy mayor of Makassar is targeting to open 100,000 new jobs. In addition to collaborating with the private sector, job opportunities will also be carried out through the Creative Center Program (Kece) which focuses on creative industries and potential new economies.

"Dilan has a program to provide 100,000 new jobs through the Let's Work Program which will encourage and grow the creative economy and potential new economies," said this Muhammadiyah cadre.

Meanwhile, Doctor Fadli added, Dilan will require that every development and investment project undertaken by the government and private sector must employ a minimum of 30% local workers. Not only at the lower ranks, but also filling positions at the management level.

"Yes, 10% is required at the level of management," said Doctor Fadli who is also the administrator of the South Sulawesi Nahdlatul Ulama.

Doctor Fadli also revealed that Dilan prepared a credit guarantee for the community with a nominal value of Rp. 5-100 million. This credit is expected to be a stimulus for people who want to become entrepreneurs. Therefore, the credit prepared is designed to provide convenience, where the credit is without collateral, without interest and without intermediaries.

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