JAKARTA - The Central Kalimantan Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) has confirmed that the payment of the Holiday Allowance (THR) for ASN will be made this week.

"Currently there are several stages that we are completing, it is estimated that they can be paid this week," said Head of the Regional Treasury of the Central Kalimantan BKAD Achmad Fajar in Palangka Raya, Tuesday, April 19, quoted from Antara.

For the total THR budget allocated, it reaches more than Rp. 53 billion, as well as for the 13th salary which is the same amount.

For every THR payment or 13th salary there will be a new application that is used to adjust the latest issued Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK).

Then for the other stages, starting from the necessary data equipment, including each regional apparatus organization (OPD) processing the submission of a Payment Request Letter (SPP) and the issuance of a Payment Order (SPM).

"As for the recipients of THR and 13th salaries in the scope of the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government, there are more than nine thousand people," he explained.

State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the provincial government who will receive THR and 13th salary, include civil servants, civil servants, to government employees with work agreements (PPPK).

Meanwhile, the Acting Regional Secretary for Central Kalimantan, Nuryakin, reminded ASN in the provincial government to continue to work optimally, especially in providing excellent service to the community.

"Although in the holy month of Ramadan, there are some civil servants who are fasting, we remind them to continue to work professionally and give their best," he explained.

In addition, it is hoped that the month of Ramadan can be used as a shared momentum, especially within the provincial government, to foster a sense of togetherness and tolerance among others.

"With the spirit of togetherness, especially as state servants, let's give the best to the community with optimal performance," he pleaded.

In addition, facing the upcoming Lebaran holiday, it is recommended that ASN do not increase their vacation time and can return to work according to applicable regulations.

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