TANGERANG - Police disbanded a group of children suspected of committing a brawl on Jalan Raya Mauk, Pisangan Jaya, Sepatan, Tangerang Regency. Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Metro Police, Kompol Abdul Rachim, said the incident occurred on Sunday, April 17 in the early hours of the morning. It started from when the children woke up sahur by using the drum at 02.36 WIB. Suddenly, a group of unknown children came carrying sharp weapons of the type of kelewang and sickles. "The children of the local residents were scared and ran away, took refuge in the Gardenia housing post and was chased by one of the perpetrators carrying a sharp weapon," said Rachim when confirmed, Monday, April 17.

Police in the vicinity tried to disperse the perpetrators by giving warning shots. So the perpetrators fled using motorbikes towards Mauk, Tangerang Regency. "Furthermore, a search was carried out but was not found," he explained. Rachim said that his party found evidence in the form of sharp weapons such as sickles around the crime scene (TKP). "Three sharp weapons of the type sickle (found on the side of the road at the TKP)," he said.

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