BANDA ACEH - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Aceh Police and their staff have uncovered and taken action against at least 21 cases of misuse of subsidized diesel fuel with a total of 44.5 tons of evidence. April 18, said the disclosure was a commitment by the Aceh Police to crack down on the misuse of subsidized fuel. Kombes Sony Sonjaya said as quoted by Antara. Kombes Pol Sony Sonjaya said that of the 21 cases of misuse of subsidized fuel, 25 people were suspected. The 21 cases are still in the case file. "In addition to confiscating 44.5 tons of subsidized diesel, investigators also confiscated 16 units of four-wheeled vehicles and three units of two-wheeled vehicles," said Kombes Pol Sony Sonjaya.

In the 21 cases, said Kombes Pol Sony Sonjaya, one case was handled by the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police, one case each was handled by the Aceh Besar Police, North Aceh Police and South Aceh Police. Nagan Raya Police four cases. As well as Banda Aceh Police, Lhokseumawe Police, Subulussalam Police, East Aceh Police, and Aceh Tamiang Police, each with one case. As well as Southwest Aceh Police, Pidie Police, West Aceh Police, Aceh Jaya Police, Central Aceh Police, Bireuen Police, The Southeast Aceh Police, the Langsa Police, and the Sabang Police each handled one case. "Monitoring and prosecution of perpetrators of abuse of subsidized fuel will continue. The Aceh Police will also ensure the availability and smooth distribution of fuel," said Police Commissioner Sony Sonjaya.

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