JAKARTA - Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Energy Economics observer Fahmy Radhi assessed that the increase in subsidized fuel prices was determined by the government. He emphasized that Pertamina's authority was only limited to adjusting the price of non-subsidized fuels such as Pertamax.

"Subsidized fuel is determined by the government. Non-subsidized fuel is determined by Pertamina, but with the government's permission," said Fahmy in a statement received in Jakarta, Sunday, April 17.

Meanwhile, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Energy Specialist Elan Biantoro explained that the determination of the price of fuel, whether subsidized or not, has been regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 which has been changed to Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2021 concerning Supply, Distribution, and Prices. Selling Retail Fuel.

In the regulation, there are three types of fuel marketed by Pertamina. First, certain types of fuel (JBT), in this case, kerosene and diesel oil. Second, the Type of Special Assignment Fuel (JBKP), namely gasoline or gasoline RON 90 or Pertalite.

The third is the type of general fuel (JBU), namely all types of fuel outside of JBT and JBKP, one of which is Pertamax.

"For JBT subsidies are provided by the government, while JBKP are not subsidized by the government, but the government assigned Pertamina to overcome the Pertalite price deficit," explained the former SKK Migas official.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the subsidy disbursed by the government for JBT Solar is IDR 1.55 trillion. Meanwhile, the compensation provided by the government for JBKP Pertalite is IDR 2.40 trillion.

Elan also agrees with Fahmi Radhy that the determination of the price of Pertamax is the authority of Pertamina, while Solar and Pertalite are the authority of the government.

Quoting Antara, based on Presidential Regulation No. 68 of 2021, Pertamina's task for the assignment of diesel fuel and Pertalite types is only to ensure the availability and distribution to the public.

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