BENGKULU - The Mukomuko District Attorney's Office (Kejari) in Bengkulu is currently investigating allegations of irregularities in the social assistance program (bansos) in its area.

In its investigation, the Kejari Mukomuko requested a Disbursement Order (SP2D) for the non-cash food assistance program (BPNT) to the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to complete the data to be submitted to BPKP. this program, but the ministry's SP2D is not yet clear," said the Head of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office, Rudi Iskandar in Mukomuko, quoted by Antara, Sunday, April 17. They are an extension of the Central Government. For this reason, he said, his party requested data in the form of SP2D from the Ministry of Social Affairs, and after Eid the data was submitted to the State Audit Board of Finance and Development. cases of alleged irregularities in the social assistance program in the regions this," he said.

Meanwhile, he said in the investigation of this case the party had examined as many as 65 witnesses related to the alleged corruption in the non-cash food aid budget for the 2019-2021 Fiscal Year. The local Kejari had examined dozens of witnesses related to this corruption case and confiscated documents deemed important For proof, he said, the party was investigating allegations of corruption in the distribution of BPNT over a period of two years, from September 2019 to September 2021, with a nominal disbursement of IDR 40 billion. obtaining personal benefits. The party related to the Social Assistance Agency for BPNT is suspected of acting as a supplier of necessities to the e-warung; then the goods such as rice, eggs and others are distributed to the recipients of the Social Assistance Agency BPNT in Mukomuko. In the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) Number 20 of 2019 in Article 39 paragraph (1) it is stated that social assistants are prohibited from forming e-warung, becoming suppliers of goods and services. receive compensation, in cash or in kind, in connection with the distribution of BPNT.

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