SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Social Service in East Java Province has a tactic to accelerate the distribution of non-cash food assistance (BPNT) and direct cash assistance (BLT) for cooking oil so that it can be completed before Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah. According to the Head of the Surabaya City Social Service, Anna Fajriatin in Surabaya, Sunday 17 April, in order to speed up the distribution of aid, the agency immediately submitted data on the names and addresses of recipients of social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs to the sub-district and village heads, who would then move together to help accelerate the distribution of aid. together. So, we are escorting together with friends from PT Pos and BNI," said Anna. In addition, according to him, the "pick up the ball" strategy was applied to distribute BPNT and BLT cooking oil to residents who were elderly or sick so that can't go to the place of distribution of aid. "If he can't come, for example, the elderly, then BNI or PT Pos will go to his house. a," he said, quoted by Antara. Anna said that there were 85,328 families receiving BPNT and cooking oil BLT in Surabaya and in addition there were 56,372 families receiving the Family Hope Program (PKH) beneficiaries. "For the distribution of cooking oil BLT and BPNT in Surabaya at this time has reached 56.37 percent, while for PKH, many have started to distribute it, it's almost the same 50 percent," he said. Deputy Executive Vice President Regional V of PT Pos Indonesia Agus Aribowo previously said that BPNT and BLT cooking oil had been distributed to 48,267 families. beneficiaries or about 56.56 percent of the target. So PT Pos distributes Rp. 500 thousand per KPM," said Agus.

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