Selection Of Police And Non-commissioned Officers, North Maluku Police Asks For Personnel Placement At The Border
Selection of integrated admissions for cadets / cadets of the Police Academy and NCO for the second batch of 2022 in Ternate. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The North Maluku (Malut) Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Risyapudin Nursin said that every cadet of the Police Academy and NCO recruited this year must be ready to be assigned to archipelagic and border areas in North Maluku where personnel are still very minimal.

"For now, the number of personnel in North Maluku has only reached 43 percent, this is still far from 100 percent, so we really need a lot of Polri members to be stationed in archipelagic and border areas," said Kapolda Inspector General of Police, Risyapudin Nursin after signing the integrity pact. and taking the oath in the context of the selection of integrated admissions for cadets / cadets of the Police Academy and NCO for the second batch of 2022, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Therefore, he has instructed Karo SDM to immediately propose the amount that will be determined in this year's recruitment by prioritizing the candidates for the cadets of the Police and NCO in the islands and border areas.

"I will reduce the quota in the city and increase the quota in the islands and borders," said the Kapolda.

He said all candidates for the selection of National Police recruits must be ready to be placed anywhere.

In accepting the National Police, the Regional Police Chief emphasized to the committee, internal and external supervisors, outsourcing staff and parents or guardians, that the participants were committed to maintaining integrity in the context of accepting the second wave of Polri members for the 2022 fiscal year.

The signing of the integrity pact and taking the oath was led by the Kapolda Inspector General Pol. Risyapudin Nursin and attended by the Deputy Chief of the North Maluku Police, Irwasda Polda Malut, the main officials of the Regional Police, the Internal and External Supervisory Team and the selection participants as well as parents or guardians.

The activity began with the taking of the oath and the signing of the Integrity Pact by representatives of the committee, supervisors, parents or guardians and participants in the integrated admissions selection process for cadets / cadets of the Police Academy and NCO.

The Malut Regional Police Chief stated that the reading of the integrity pact was not just a reading, but a truly objective sincerity so that there was no discrimination and deviation.

For this reason, the selection process will be carried out objectively, transparently with clear and clean principles in the hope of obtaining prospective members of the National Police with superior and reliable human resources.

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