JAKART - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) condemned the Israeli attack on Palestinians at the Aqsa Mosque. The chairman of the MUI for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation, Prof. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, said that this action cannot be accepted by common sense and conscience.

He also stressed that this action is also against the teachings of any religion, and violates the law, including international law.

"Indonesian Muslims in particular condemn the brutal actions of the Israeli apparatus," said Sudarnoto in a statement in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 16.

Sudarnoto also reminded that this action should be more aware of any countries to review their cooperation and diplomatic relations with Israel. In particular, countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel,

"As MUI has said, serious steps are needed by any element of society to boycott Israel and bring Israel to an international court and impose international sanctions on Israel," said Sudarnoto.

He also urged the United States, which has been providing support to Israel, to change its perspective so that it can act more fairly and truly defend humanity.

"President Joe Bidden's promise when he was inaugurated as President to 'stop evil' should be fulfilled, not just lip services, pleasing Muslims for a while. Israel is really doing evil and because of that America must show its willingness and ability to stop Israel's brutality, " said Sudarnoto.

Sudarnoto said this action was very embarrassing. He also said that this action is more convincing that the country is indeed being led by criminals against humanity and is uncivilized

"Only criminals commit such acts because they do not have common sense and conscience," he continued.

Sudarnoto said this was not the first time this had happened. At the end of last year's Ramadan, he continued, the Israeli authorities had insulted and insulted the place of worship of the Al Aqsa Mosque which should be protected.

"Israeli officials are destroying the religious atmosphere, carrying out acts of violence against Muslims who are carrying out worship and at the same time destroying, trampling and destroying humanity," said Sudarnoto.

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