PALU - The Palu City Government, Central Sulawesi is seeking assistance for traders who were victims of the Manonda Inpres Market fire in West Palu District. "The City Government is seeking assistance, but on the one hand, the Manonda Market land is still being sued by a resident who is now appealing, because the previous court decision was in favor of the Palu City Government, so the local government is still looking for a way out for assistance," said the Head of the City Industry and Trade Office. Palu Ajenkris in Palu, quoted by Antara on Friday April 15. Apart from the case, he said, those affected by the fire were part of the residents of Palu, so the government was looking for a solution for aid, whether later the assistance would be through the private sector or donors. He said it was in the current decision. During the status quo, the local government has not been able to intervene, so alternative steps are waiting for the next step. "In a situation like this we do not remain silent. The Palu City Government continues to look for parties willing to get involved," said Ajenkris.

The Industry and Trade Service noted that with the fire on March 29, 2022, around 400 more traditional market traders were affected. He said that the Manonda Inpres Market is the economic pulse in the capital city of Central Sulawesi, so that after the incident the Palu City Government hopes that the affected traders will recover as soon as possible so they can trade again to make a living. "This incident is categorized as a non-natural disaster. Therefore, it needs to be handled wisely. We also hope from this incident the optimism of traders to rise," he said. to find out whether it was simply a short circuit or other elements. "We are still waiting for the results of the research conducted by the laboratory team on what caused this fire. Basically the police have done their job," said Ajenkris.​​​​

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