JAKARTA - The Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) Budi Setiyadi asked all public transportation entrepreneurs to pay attention to the condition of their fleets during the Lebaran homecoming period.

"I advise public transport entrepreneurs to really pay attention to the condition of their fleets, as well as the readiness of their vehicle crews," said Budi Setiyadi in a Focus Group Discussion activity "Mitigation of the Risk of Accidents in Tourism, AKAP, & AKDP at the Eid Moment of 2022" as reported by Antara, Thursday, April 14th.

The Ministry of Transportation requested that all vehicle technical items such as brake systems, lights, safety belts, and emergency response equipment be checked.

According to Budi, drivers must also have the ability, knowledge, and good physical and mental condition when operating the vehicle.

"Don't allow them to work more than the hours required by the rules, which are a maximum of 8 hours and take a break every 4 hours," he added.

In addition, the government emphasized that the government has provided places that can be used to rest and at the same time check the condition of the vehicle.

Officers from the Ministry of Transportation and the Provincial and Regency City Transportation Offices to work hand in hand with all relevant stakeholders in the task of serving the homecomers.

"All of this is intended so that this year's homecoming activities can run safely, safely and comfortably," he said.

Based on the results of a survey conducted by the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation, it is estimated that there are approximately 85 million people who will carry out homecoming this year.

With such a large number, it will certainly cause various potential vulnerabilities that we need to anticipate, including aspects of smoothness, safety, to health protocols.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) Soerjanto Tjahjono said that the safety recommendations from the NTSC were made in general or specific to the findings of the investigation, both findings that directly contributed to accidents and findings that could pose potential hazards in the future.

KNKT has conducted an analysis and provided recommendations regarding the need to be aware of the potential for road transportation accidents due to the revival of community mobility.

"The bus fleet has not been operating for a long time and the lack of drivers are the two main things that deserve attention," he said.

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