JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said there was a decrease in community movement in office areas for three weeks during the implementation of PSBB volume II.

However, there has been an increase in the movement or mobility of people in residential areas during the last three weeks, when compared to the transitional PSBB period.

"The mobility of people in the workplace has decreased by 5.14 percent, while residential areas have increased by 4.71 percent," Syafrin told reporters, Monday, October 5.

Then, the average volume of motorized vehicle traffic per day decreased by 10.17 percent compared to the implementation of the transitional PSBB.

Likewise, the volume of bicycle traffic has decreased by 45.7 percent compared to the implementation of the transitional PSBB which took place from 5 June to 13 September 2020.

The implementation of the PSBB period also resulted in a decrease in the number of urban public transport passengers by 19 percent compared to the implementation of the transitional PSBB.

"During the transition period, the average daily number of urban public transport passengers was 759,726. During the PSBB, the average number of passengers was 613,669 per day," said Syafrin.

Then, inter-city inter-provincial transportation (AKAP) also experienced a decrease in passengers and also decreased by 29.41 percent. During the transitional PSBB, the average number of AKAP passengers was 6,117, while during PSBB it was 4,318 passengers per day.

Furthermore, during the three weeks of PSBB volume II, there were 7,774 violators of the PSBB. A total of 5,357 were given reprimands, 2,118 received social sanctions, and 299 paid administrative fines.

As for the supervision of the limitation on the capacity of transport for transportation, there were 1,071 violations of the carrying capacity of transportation facilities, with details of 261 violations of human transportation and 810 violations of goods transportation.

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