BANGKA - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, ensured that there were no additional daily COVID-19 cases so that 30 COVID-19 patients were still undergoing treatment. There are still 30 people who are active with COVID-19 who are still undergoing health treatment at the isolation center and at home," said Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force spokesman Boy Yandra in Sungailiat, Wednesday, April 13. from four sub-districts, namely from Sungailiat District as many as 18 people, two people from Riau Silip, four people from Pemali and from Belinyu District as many as six people. " said Boy Yandra quoted by Antara. It's just that he said, the public must not be careless and must remain disciplined in implementing health protocols properly and correctly, such as having to wear masks, especially worshipers in the mosque because prayer rows are allowed to meet. people, 11,619 people recovered, 398 COVID-19 patients died. During the two distributions of COVID-19, the highest cases in the Sungailiat sub-district reached 4,940 cases and 137 died, then the lowest case in Bakam sub-district only 200 cases were recorded with nine positive COVID-19 residents. 19 died.

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