TULUNGAGUNG - The Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, East Java, is investigating allegations of corruption in the case of renting village treasury land in the district.

Head of Intelligence at the Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, Tri Radityo, in Tulungagung, Tuesday, April 12, said that one of the villages that were the object of the investigation by the Corruption Crime Unit of the Tulungagung District Attorney's Office was in Batangsaren Village, Kauman District, and the case had even been raised for investigation.

"So in this case the investigators have found preliminary evidence of a criminal act in the management of the village treasury land lease in Batangsaren Village," he said, quoted by Antara.

He said the team of investigators had so far examined about 20 witnesses, including the Batangsaren Village apparatus.

He explained that the alleged misappropriation in the matter of leasing cash land in Batangsaren Village had actually been targeted for investigation since 2021, but the progress of the case was hampered due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Since 2021 the case of alleged misappropriation of the village treasury land lease, Batangsaren Village, is in the investigation stage, and there are cases that must be resolved first," he said.

According to Agung, the alleged criminal act of corruption was identified by the investigative team because the proceeds from the rental of the village assets were not included in the Batangsaren APBDes.

This fact-finding, he said, indicated that there was an unclear use of funds from the village treasury land lease.

In fact, he said, if it is calculated according to the land area which reaches around 10 hectares, the land rent per year can reach hundreds of millions of rupiah.

"So the annual loss is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions and in total it is close to IDR 500 million," he said.

Agung continued, there are village treasury lands outside the village. Therefore, the details and complete information will be revealed in further investigation.

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