SEMARANG - Two police officers, members of the Drug Investigation Directorate of the Central Java Police, were reported to the Regional Police's Profession and Security Division (Propam) by a Solo resident named Metya Kusdiyar (26), on suspicion of violating search procedures.

According to the reporter when reporting to the Central Java Police's Propam Division in Semarang, Monday, April 11, the alleged unpleasant act began when four police officers came to search his house in the Baturan area, Solo City, on April 5, 2022.

The police officer, he said, went straight to his house without carrying a search warrant.

In fact, Meyta admitted that she had been asked for a urine test, which turned out to be negative for drugs.

"Even my ID card was also taken and only returned a few days after the incident during the meeting at the Surakarta Police Station," he said, quoted by Antara.

He asserted that the report to the Central Java Police Propam was made because he did not accept being accused of being a drug user.

On a separate occasion, Central Java Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Abiyoso Senoaji said the report was still being investigated.

"The paminal is still investigating to follow up on the involvement of the two individuals," he said.

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