JAKARTA - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Makassar City has determined the value of Zakat Fitrah if it is converted into cash at IDR 50 thousand per person.

"In the form of rice, it remains 4 liters, only the dominant type is eaten throughout the year," said Head of Makassar Baznas Ustad Ashar Tamanggong in Makassar, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 9.

Ustad Ashar said that Makassar Baznas recently held a trial to determine the value of zakat involving various parties, such as the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council), the Immim, the Makassar City Government, the Police and others.

So it was decided that there are four classes for the zakat fitrah category in Makassar with a price of four liters per person, namely class 1 worth IDR 12,500/liter or IDR 50 thousand, class 2 for IDR 10,500 / liter or IDR 42 thousand, class 3 for 9,500 / liter or IDR 38,000 and class 4 costs 8,500 / liter or IDR 34,000.

"Determining the class group is difficult because it depends on the dominance of what is consumed. Because people can be rich but prefer rice in the third grade," said Ashar.

There are eight asnaf or groups that must be supported for the zakat program. Meanwhile, Baznas Makassar chose to distribute more to productive communities, providing capital assistance to entrepreneurs and scholarships for school children.

Baznas noted that there are around 1,500 mosques in Makassar City, but only about 1,200 mosques have UPZ (Unit Collecting Zakat). This time, Baznas targets IDR 30 billion for UPZ zakat collection.

Ashar emphasized that there should be no more poor people who do not pay zakat fitrah. If they are in a difficult condition and find it difficult to pay zakat fitrah, then this becomes the obligation of the rich people who live in the vicinity or the local UPZ.

"Control the lust in tithing. Why is poverty in Makassar not reduced because the poor are given the same thing. Because the rich are not able to control their lust in tithing," he said.

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