JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the realization of regional income in 2021 will reach 100.6 percent. This was conveyed in the 2021 Accountability Statement Report to the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD).

In response to this, Member of Commission C of the DKI DPRD from the PSI Party faction, Eneng Malianasari, asked the DKI Provincial Government not to be proud of the narrative of regional income which is considered to have exceeded the target.

Because, if dissected, the achievement occurred because the transfer of funds from the central government was helped exceed what was planned, while the realization of several components of regional original income (PAD) was still below the target.

"We don't think we need to be proud because of the fact that the 100.6 percent figure was achieved because it was assisted by transfer funds from the central government which were around Rp. 5.8 trillion which was larger than planned," Eneng said in his statement, Friday, April 8.

Meanwhile, continued Eneng, the achievement of land tax revenue was only 82.39 percent and Land and Building Rights Acquisition Fee (BPHTB) 78.76 percent. Then, regional retribution income is also only 50 percent of its realization.

Furthermore, Eneng said, the DKI Provincial Government should evaluate the Locally-generated revenue (PAD) target planning for the components that were not achieved.

Eneng emphasized that the economic sluggish condition due to the pandemic could not be an excuse because it should have been predicted when the 2021 Regional Budget (APBD) Amendment was prepared.

"In the preparation of the Revised 2021 APBD, we have reminded that the PAD target must be realistic because the community's economic condition is weak. The planned figure should be based on data on economic conditions and the incentive policy plan that will be given, so don't let the target not be achieved for that reason," he explained.

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