Preventing Early Marriage, Tengger Tribe Youth Participate In Health Education
Health education and information technology activities participated by Tengger Tribe youth. (ANTARA/HO-Diskominfo Probolinggo Regency)

PROBOLINGGO - Tengger Tribe youths on the slopes of Mount Bromo in Sapikerep Village, Probolinggo Regency, East Java participate in health education and information technology in the digital era to prevent early marriages which have an impact on child stunting.

The speaker from IHC Wonolangan General Hospital dr. Fahrizal said reproduction is healthy and mature for male teenagers aged 25 to 30 years, while women's reproductive age is at the age of 20 to 25 years.

"Those 16 years old are not said to be healthy in their reproductive organs and are not quite ready to maintain the results of fertilization and fetal development. Mentally they are still not mature and mature enough," he said in an official statement quoted by Antara in Probolinggo Regency, Friday, April 8.

The rise of early marriage will cause problems that lead to divorce due to lack of knowledge and insight, so that an immature mindset can lead to cervical cancer and the risk of congenital defects in babies, as well as stunting.

"We hope that the health of teenagers is always maintained and anticipates early marriage. It can even build awareness to maintain the health of the reproductive system and protect it from actions that pose a bad risk, both physically and mentally," he said. ) Probolinggo District Yulius Christian said that in the digital era, through the development of information technology that is easily accessible and can be seen directly by teenagers, there is a lot of negative content that has a bad impact, triggering the development and mindset of children to do bad things.

"Regarding health education, there is an opportunity to be given knowledge and understanding about the health of teenagers so they don't get married at an early age," he said.

With the rapid development of technology, he continued, his party directs creative and educational young people, especially those who have social media (medsos) must be wise in using it, so that it can produce positive, useful and profitable ones.

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