Allegedly Electric Short Circuit, House In Pesanggaran South Jakarta Caught Fire
Fire in the blood of Pesanggrahan South Jakarta/ Photo; IST

JAKARTA - A house on Jalan Pembangunan Bawah, Bintaro, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, caught fire. A total of 15 firefighters were dispatched to extinguish the fire at the location.

Head of the South Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-Department (Kasudin) Helbert Plider Lumban Gaol said that information on the fire was received at around 04.20 WIB.

"Fire was under construction in RT 03 RW 12, Bintaro, Pesanggahan. The incident started at around 04.05 WIB. And we received the report at around 04.20 WIB," said Helbert when confirmed, Friday, April 8.

Helbert said the house fire was suspected to have been caused by an electrical short in the room.

"A total of 15 firefighters (deployed) to extinguish the fire," he said.

Helbert said that the party managed to extinguish the fire at around 05.00 WIB or no more than an hour after the fire occurred.

He also confirmed that no one was injured or injured in the fire incident. However, the loss is still in the data collection.

"The cooling process at the fire site was at 06.00 WIB. There were no casualties," he concluded.

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