JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said the Binomo illegal trading center was in Russia. Binomo is controlled by 404 Group Company.

"Indeed, Binomo in Russia entered Indonesia," said Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency, Commissioner Chandra Sukma Kumara, to reporters, Thursday, April 7.

This 404 Group company spreads Binomo trading to Indonesia through a liaison, namely Brian Edgar Nababan. He was hired by the company as Binomo's Development Manager.

Then, Brian Edgar started recruiting affiliates. They are Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz and Fakar Suhartami Pratama alias Fakarich.

"BN attracts these influencers. Fakar 2019, Fakar then hooks up with IK," said Chandra.

From the two affiliates, the snare of Binomo's illegal trading began to spread throughout society. These scams cause estimated losses in the tens to hundreds of billions.

With the discovery of the existence of the Binomo illegal trading center, the Criminal Investigation Department will investigate the mastermind behind it. The collection of instructions and information continues.

"Meanwhile, yes, because the BEN worked for this 404 group to place Binomo in Indonesia," said Chandra.

For information, in this case, there are a total of four suspects. First, Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz. He is an affiliate of Binomo.

Then, Fakar Suhartami Pratama alias Fakarich. In this case, he plays the role of teacher or mentor of Indra Kenz.

Furthermore, Brian Edgar Nababan who plays the role of Development Manager for Binomo. He also recruited Indra Kenz and Fakar as affiliates.

Most recently, investigators named Wiki as a suspect. He acts as admin of Indra Kenz's telegram account.

404 Group is an internet-based business development company. This entity is headquartered in St. Petersburg, Russia. From the company's official website, it is known that they have been established since 2013 with a focus on the use of information technology

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