JAKARTA - A number of factions responded to the decision of the Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD for their reports of alleged ethical violations related to interpellation. BK stated that the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, did not violate ethics when holding a plenary meeting of Interpellation Formula E.

The deputy chairman of the DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, admitted that he appreciated the DPRD BK's decision on the reports submitted by the four DPRD deputy heads and the seven factions.

"What is decided by the BK institution must be respected because we report it to him. Whatever the decision, it must be the result of the institutional meeting," said Taufik to reporters, Wednesday, April 6.

Although the chairman of the DPRD was not found guilty of having scheduled the plenary meeting of the interpellation, Taufik views that his party would not approve if the interpellation was resumed by PDIP and PSI.

"In my opinion, the interpellation has no potential to run again. Not because after (the decision) the BK continued to conduct road interpellation. There is nothing to do with that," said Taufik.

When contacted separately, the Deputy Chair of the DKI DPRD from the Democratic Faction admitted that his party also accepted the BK's decision on Prasetyo. This is because, according to Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Order of the DKI DPRD, the BK is the legal decision-making body for ethical issues in the DPRD institution.

"This process (reporting to the BK's decision) is aimed at strengthening the DPRD institution, in accordance with the recommendations contained in the BK's decision. On the other hand, the BK also stated that it accepted the report, because it has arguments that are also based on the DPRD's Standing Orders," said Misan.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Nasdem Faction of the DKI DPRD, Wibi Andrino, also respected the decision of the BK DPRD DKI. However, he stressed that Nasdem still did not approve of the interpellation and supported that Formula E could be held smoothly.

"We respect that decision. Nasdem remains in a position to support the implementation of Formula E," said Wibi.

The journey of the DKI DPRD BK report

The Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD finally issued a decision on the reports of the four deputy chairmen of the DKI DPRD and seven factions who reported the chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, for holding a plenary meeting of Interpellation Formula E.

This reporting problem began with a meeting of the DKI DPRD Deliberative Body (Bamus) on September 27, 2021, chaired by Prasetyo. Prasetyo, at the Bamus meeting, scheduled a plenary meeting for the Interpellation of Formula E to be held the next day.

On the same day, seven factions expressed their disapproval of Prasetyo's decision to set a plenary meeting schedule. The seven factions are the Gerindra Party, PKS, PAN, Golkar, Nasdem, Democrats, and PKB-PPP.

The next day, 28 September 2021, the interpellation plenary meeting was held. This meeting will determine whether the interpellation can be carried out by summoning the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to explain the problem of implementing Formula E.

However, those present were only 33 DPRD members from the PDIP faction. As a result, the voting on the interpellation decision had to be postponed. Not attending the plenary meeting, seven factions and four deputy chairmen of the DKI DPRD instead reported Prasetyo to the BK DPRD DKI.

It had dragged on for months, finally BK held an examination of Prasetyo on February 9. After examining Prasetyo, the BK held an internal meeting to decide whether Prasetyo had violated the code of ethics or not because he had held a plenary meeting for the Interpellation of Formula E.

Until finally, on March 14, 2022, the results of the examination came out. The BK DPRD DKI decided that Prasetyo as the reported party was declared not to have violated the code of ethics of the DPRD DKI Jakarta. This is known from a copy of the decision letter received by journalists on Tuesday, April 5.

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