JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said President Joko Widodo ordered his staff to strictly regulate and supervise the implementation of Lebaran homecoming.

Because, even though the government has relaxed the tightening of activities and the community has been allowed to go home this year, the risk of COVID-19 transmission remains.

This was conveyed by Muhadjir after a limited meeting regarding preparations for Eid 1443 H led by President Jokowi at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java.

"Mr. President requested that the implementation of this year's homecoming trip be properly and strictly regulated, without creating unnecessary risks. So that everyone can enjoy their homecoming happily and arrive at their destination safely," said Muhadjir on the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube channel, Wednesday, April 6.

Therefore, Jokowi emphasized that the implementation of vaccinations, especially the second and third doses (booster), is intensified, especially for people who will return to their hometowns.

This, continued Muhadjir, is needed to increase immunity for residents who travel, so that the potential for transmission of the corona virus can be suppressed.

"Based on the results of field tests, it shows that boosters are indeed a very determining factor in our efforts to reduce the number of cases and death rates related to COVID. Why? Because if people have been boosted, the level of immunity is several times higher than that of the previous one." have not followed the booster," he explained.

So, at this Ramadan momentum, the government is trying to carry out vaccinations at night during Tarawih prayers.

Muhadjir appealed to people who intend to go home to immediately register and visit vaccination outlets which are opened in several mosques in rotation, especially in areas where the homecoming will be departed, namely the Greater Jakarta area, West Java, and parts of Central Java.

"Once again, we emphasize on this opportunity, let all those who intend to go home to immediately vaccinate, especially those who have had the second vaccine to be able to carry out the booster vaccine," he explained.

In the meeting, continued Muhadjir, Jokowi also reminded his staff that two things should be paid attention to, namely the availability of food and fuel oil (BBM) in welcoming this year's Eid homecoming.

"Earlier, the relevant ministries have reported their readiness and God willing, most of them are ready and there are a few more things that are still being refined or improved to welcome, especially going home in 2022," he added.

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