JAKARTA - The Presidium of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) Gatot Nurmantyo has called for support for a national labor strike plan against the Job Creation Bill. WE also reject the Job Creation Bill or often called the Omnibus Law Bill.

"OUR refusal is based on the belief that if the bill is to become law it will further eliminate national sovereignty, increase social inequality, damage the environment and also impoverish and eliminate the bargaining position of the workers," said Gatot Nurmantyo in a written statement, Thursday, October 1.

There are a number of reasons WE support the national labor strike, including the Job Creation Bill is considered to have violated Article 27 paragraph 2, Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. The Job Creation Bill is considered to be more in favor of the interests of foreign workers.

"The process is not participatory, where invitations to unions or labor associations are only socializing and used as a sign of legitimacy. Foreign workers have no boundaries and are equated with their own nation, "said Gatot.

Other reasons for the rejection of the Job Creation Bill were the uncertainty of employment opportunities, wages and social security. The government, according to US, is still working hard to get this bill passed on October 8.

"WE, as a moral movement, are of the opinion that the pressure from the main interest groups of the workers to thwart the enactment of this law needs to be appreciated and supported by all parties. WE think that saving Indonesia is among others by thwarting the passage of the Job Creation Bill, "said Gatot.

Regarding the planned national labor strike on October 6-8, WE support constitutional steps. WE also appeal to regional networks and civil society movements to help workers fight for their rights. "For the sake of realizing justice and welfare of the people," said Gatot.

The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) previously issued an appeal regarding a national strike plan which was rumored to be carried out by workers or laborers ahead of the ratification of the labor cluster in the Work Creation Bill.

"Apindo calls on member companies to be able to provide education to workers or laborers regarding the provisions on labor strikes, including sanctions that can be imposed if the strike does not comply with the provisions, especially in Law 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower," said General Chairman of Apindo Hariyadi B. Sukamdani as quoted by Antara .

Provisions on labor strikes are regulated in article 137 of Law 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. It is noted that strikes are a basic right for workers who are carried out legally, orderly and peacefully as a result of failed negotiations.

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