Palembang Immigration Office Experiences An Increase In New Passport Making Up To 100 Percent
Applications for passports at Palembang Immigration increased by 100 percent. (Between)

JAKARTA - The Class I Immigration Office in Palembang, South Sumatra, has experienced an increase in the issuance of new passports and replacement of books that have expired. The increase reached 100 percent.

"Based on data, in February 2022, there were 1.091 passport applications, then in March it increased to 2.102," said Head of the Immigration Traffic Section of the Class I Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) Palembang, Adeb Yoenoes, in Palembang, Wednesday, April 6.

It is predicted that the number of people who apply for passports in April will continue to increase to reach 3.000 people, considering the current daily service data is an average of 100 applicants/day.

The recent increase in requests for passports has been influenced by the government's policy of revoking quarantine and PCR regulations for Umrah pilgrims.

The government of Saudi Arabia has revoked a number of rules that have been in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as no longer limiting distance, lifting of PCR obligations, and wearing masks in open places.

"It seems that since the policy of easing travel rules and Umrah worship activities, the Muslim community in South Sumatra who missed the Umrah pilgrimage during the pandemic in the last two years immediately took advantage of this condition," he said, quoting Antara.

He explained, currently, most of the people who apply for passports will prepare to go for Umrah, both individually and collectively through the assistance of Umrah travel/travel agency managers or Umrah service providers (PPIU).

To deal with the possibility of a continuous increase in requests for passports from the public in the working area of the Palembang Immigration Office covering Banyuasin, Musi Banyuasin, Ogan Ilir, Ogan Komering Ilir, and Prabumulih Regencies, his party continues to limit visitors according to service rules during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Restrictions are regulated starting from the registration process through the online 'M Passport' application with a maximum of 100 applicants per day.

Passport-making services during the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be carried out but are adjusted to the rules for limiting the number of visitors in the service room and implementing strict health protocols as well as installing a 'qr barcode' scanner for the PeduliLindung application.

"By implementing the prokes and other rules to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19, it is hoped that services to the community will run well and the Palembang Immigration Office environment will be safe from cases of transmission of the new type of coronavirus," said Adeb.

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