JAKARTA - The National Police is responding to the findings of the Commission for Disappeared Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) regarding the involvement of the police as a pick-up for prospective occupants of the human cage at the house of the Regent of Langkat.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the North Sumatra Police (North Sumatra) who handled the case would take firm action against the persons involved.

"If there is new evidence related to the involvement of a person, regardless of his profession, investigators will definitely take action but according to the legal facts they have," said Dedi to reporters, Monday, April 4.

In handling this case, investigators have named 8 suspects. In fact, the investigation process is also supervised by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

Supervision is carried out so that there are no errors during the inspection process. Because it must be handled according to the rules.

"The investigation process must really run according to the applicable legal mechanism," he said.

If later it was found that there was involvement of members of the Police, Dedi emphasized that he would take action according to the rules. Ethical sanctions to criminal sanctions will also be carried out.

"Obviously, investigators will not play games. If they play games, the sanctions will be very clear, they can be tried by the code of ethics, profession or punished if a criminal violation is proven," said Dedi.

KontraS previously explained the latest findings behind the human cage case in Langkat, North Sumatra. One of them, there is an active police involved in picking up potential occupants of the human cage.

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