BADUNG - The Kuta Police, Bali, arrested the perpetrators of the theft at Villa 7, Jalan Kayu Aya, Seminyak, Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali.

The perpetrator named Dominggus Mau (25) from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a former employee at Vlla . The perpetrators stole items belonging to the villa occupied by a Singaporean Foreigner (WNA) named Sara.

"The perpetrator admitted to stealing into the villa by climbing a jackfruit tree that grows next to the villa," said Head of Kuta Police, Kompol Orpa SM Takalapeta, Monday, April 4.

The theft occurred on Sunday, March 27. Peaku took the TV and pool machine in the villa.

"At that time the victim was in Yogyakarta and the item disappeared from Villa 7 when the guest who was staying was out," added Kompol Orpa.

From CCTV footage, the perpetrator was caught carrying a TV on a motorbike. The victim suffered a loss of Rp. 10 million.

The Kuta Police team conducted an investigation and identified the perpetrator as a former villa employee. The perpetrator was arrested on Thursday, March 31.

From the confession of the perpetrator, the TV and the swimming pool pump to the wrecker. "The perpetrators and evidence were secured at the Kuta Police Headquarters for further processing," he said.

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