JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) admits that it has not yet received a copy of the complete verdicts of 22 cases whose sentences were cut or circumcised by the Supreme Court (MA). Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution Ali Fikri asked the Supreme Court to immediately send the decision.

"Until now, the Corruption Eradication Commission has not received an official copy of the complete decision from the Supreme Court regarding the judges' decision on about 22 cases that have received reduced sentences. We hope that the Supreme Court can immediately send a copy of the complete decision so that we can learn more about what the panel of judges considered. "Ali said in a written statement to reporters, September 30.

Ali said that until now there were at least 38 corruptors whose cases were handled by the KPK filing a judicial review (PK). Even though he realized that the submission was the right of the convict, Ali reminded him not to let the legal remedy be a new mode for corruptors to reduce the sentence.

"This phenomenon should be able to read that even though PK is the right of the convicted person, but with the number of PK case applications which for example have just been executed at the first level decision, it should not be used as a new mode for corrupt convicts in an effort to reduce their sentence," he said.

Furthermore, he also reminded that corruption is a crime that has a big impact on people's lives. So that one way to eradicate it is to provide a deterrent effect for corruptors.

It is known that the Supreme Court has several times cut the sentence for corruptors. Most recently, this institution has cut the sentences of two former Ministry of Home Affairs officials who were caught in the e-KTP megacorruption case, namely the former Director General of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs Irman and the Director of Information Management and Administration of the Directorate General of Dukcapil.

In the judicial review decision, Irman's sentence was cut from 15 years in prison at the cassation level to 12 years in prison. Meanwhile, Sugiharto was reduced from 15 years in prison to 10 years in prison.

The terms of their sentences were cut because Irman and Sugiharto were appointed justice collaborators by the KPK. In addition, Sugiharto is considered not the main perpetrator and has provided significant evidence in the corruption case.

Previously, the KPK said that there were 20 criminals whose sentences were circumcised by the Supreme Court. Even though he respects it, the anti-graft institution regrets the Supreme Court's decision.

The reason is that the phenomenon of cutting the sentence period will give a bad picture of the society who is increasingly critical of judicial decisions. In the end, it is not impossible that this decision will decrease the level of public trust in the judiciary.

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