JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari said that he had advised Joko Soegiarto Tjandra to surrender himself so that he could be executed in the case of the Bank Bali cassie. The suggestion was conveyed by Pinagki while conducting in Malaysia, 25 November 2019.

This was conveyed by Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari through his lawyer Aldres Napitupulu during the defendant's exception note hearing at the Corruption Court in Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 30.

"At that time the defendant said 'you just executed because you were only 2 years old', the rest, the defendant and Joe Chan only talked about the business he had built so far," Aldres said at the trial.

The meeting, he said, was not only attended by Pinangki and Joko Tjandra. But there are Anita Kolopaking and Andri Irfan Jaya.

Again, in the defense note, Pinangki denied making an action plan. As stated in the Attorney General's indictment, Pinangki made an action plan at Joko Tjandra's request regarding the MA fatwa through the AGO.

Pinangki also denied receiving money from Joko Tjandra for arranging the MA fatwa. "The defendant never made or submitted an action plan for fatma processing to the Supreme Court to Joko Soegiarto Tjandra," he said.

As for the indictment, Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari was charged with accepting a bribe worth 500 thousand US dollars. The bribe was intended to process the MA fatwa so that Joko Tjandra would not be executed in the Bank Bali collection rights case.

In the indictment Pinangki did not accept bribes from Joko Tjandra directly. But through Andi Irfan Jaya, who was still a Nasdem Party politician. This money is an advance payment of the agreed bribe.

Not only that, Pinangki, Joko Tjandra, and Andi Irfan Jaya agreed to give US $ 10 million worth of money to officials at the Attorney General's Office and the Supreme Court (MA).

Attorney Pinangki was also charged with the crime of money laundering. Where the bribes received by Pinangki had been spent, transferred and altered the alleged form to eliminate traces.

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