JAKARTA - Siti Latifah Herawati Diah, a character in today's Google Doodle, is an important figure who becomes a leader in the effort to declare the Borobudur Temple Complex as a UNESCO world heritage.

He used his diplomatic connections to protect this Indonesian monument which was finally declared a world heritage by UNESCO in 1991.

Launching from various sources, when Japan surrendered to the allies in 1945, Soekarno-Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian people proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The figure who has a family nickname, Hera, was the personal secretary of the first Indonesian foreign minister, Achmad Soebardjo, who is also his uncle.

Part of Herawati in the journey of the Indonesian nation and other countries was as a translator of the text of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia into English and Dutch, so that it could be spread abroad that Indonesia had become independent.

Hera got the manuscript of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence from Baharuddin Muhammad Diah, his colleague at Hoso Kyoku, who later became a journalist for Asia Raya and married her on August 18, 1942.

Not only that, Herawati is also an activist for women's rights. She founded the Women's Voice Empowerment Movement organization which was intended to encourage women to exercise their right to vote.

Not only her work in the field of journalism, Siti Latifah Herawati also became a delegate at the All-India Women's Congress in 1948, and brought her to meet Mahatma Gandhi.

Until the end of her life, Siti Latifah Herawati remained diligent in writing and reading. She wrote the journalism journey book An Endless Journey: Reflections of an Indonesian Journalist, and also remains active as an inspiration for national journalism, including for Indonesian women journalists.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)