JAKARTA - The day before the holy month of Ramadan, traffic congestion occurred on the main route of Cianjur, West Java, Saturday evening, including towards a number of areas south of Cianjur, which were dominated by vehicles with registration numbers outside the city so that dozens of officers from the Cianjur Police Satlantas were alerted.

KBO then Polres Cianjur, Police Inspector One Yudistira, in Cianjur Saturday, said the increase in the volume of vehicles from outside the city of Cianjur, has been seen since the last three days, dominated by private vehicles to various areas in Cianjur.

"To anticipate the accumulation and long queues of vehicles at every congestion-prone point such as the Puncak-Cianjur main route, the protocol road to the south lane, we have prepared a number of personnel to anticipate total traffic jams," he said.

The high volume of vehicles of arrivals and travelers mingling with the vehicles of residents who have finished the papajar tradition or eat before entering the fasting month so that a number of lanes in the city center to the outskirts of the city become congested.

The Cianjur Police Satlantas personnel will continue to be alerted to anticipate the accumulation of vehicles at several points on the road which are prone to long queues of vehicles, including on the protocol road and the south lane in coordination with the Polsek.

"Later on, at every point on the road that is judged to be congested, officers from the Traffic Unit will be prepared to regulate traffic flow so that there are no queues," he said.

According to ANTARA's monitoring until Saturday evening, the volume of vehicles entering the city and the southern route of Cianjur continued to increase. Queues of vehicles with slow speed can be seen starting from the Gentur Lamp Roundabout-By Pass and the Pasirhayam Roundabout towards the southern region and a number of paths leading to the northern region.

Dozens of officers were alerted at points prone to traffic jams, such as Jalan Raya Cianjur-Cianjur Selatan, Jalan Raya Cianjur-Sukabumi and Jalan Raya Bandung-Cianjur to break up queues so as not to cause total traffic jams ahead of Ramadan. The volume of vehicles continues to increase on the protocol route and the southern route of Cianjur towards night.

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