JAKARTA - The United States government on Friday (1/4) announced a new round of export restrictions to Russia and Belarus by adding 120 entities, mainly military companies, to the trade control list.

The 120 entities are on the US Commerce Department's list of parties barred from receiving critical technology.

The addition to the list comes after the United States has recently taken similar actions in an effort to weaken Russia's military since President Vladimir Putin launched Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

The move announced Friday is aimed at "degrading the defense, aerospace, maritime and other strategic sector capabilities of Russia and Belarus in response to Russia's brutal assault on sovereign Ukraine," the Commerce Department said.

The White House, the office of the US president, thinks the move could prevent technology and software from reaching the military sector in Russia and Belarus.

Such controls are subject to the provisions of the Foreign Direct Products Regulations.

Under the rules, companies must manufacture both high-tech and low-tech goods using US equipment if they are to obtain a permit from the United States before they are shipped to Russia.

Under the rules, the US Commerce Department was also ordered to refuse almost all license requests.

In all, the United States Department of Commerce has added 260 entities to the list in response to the invasion of Ukraine, which Russia calls "special operations."

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