JAKARTA - Investigators of the Directorate of Gross Human Rights Violations of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) of the Attorney General's Office have named one suspect as a retired TNI officer in the case of gross human rights violations that occurred in Paniai, Papua in 2014.

The suspect with the initials IS, is a retired TNI. In 2014, when the Paniai incident occurred, the suspect was a liaison officer at the Kodim in Paniai.

“(IS) retired TNI. He is a liaison officer at the Kodim in Paniai," said the Attorney General's Office of the Attorney General's Jampidsus, Febrie Adriansyah, quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 2.

IS was named a suspect based on the Order of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number: Print-79/A/JA/12/2021 dated December 3, 2021 and Number: Print-19/A/Fh.1/02/2022 dated February 4, 2022 which was stipulated by the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia as investigator.

The Attorney General's Office announced the determination of the suspect in the case of gross human rights violations in Paniai, Papua in 2014 on Friday (1/4) yesterday. Although he has been named a suspect, the Attorney General's Office investigators have not arrested IS.

According to Febrie, investigators have considerations that they have not detained IS. Detention will be carried out if required by investigators.

"(Detention) is in the interest of investigators. If investigators see that he hasn't been detained, there's no interest in him, he's not running away, yes, that's probably not the case," said Febrie.

Separately, the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, stated that the reason IS had not been detained was because the person concerned was considered cooperative.

"Not yet (detained), the person concerned is still cooperative in every examination," said Ketut.

As previously reported, investigators have collected evidence in accordance with Article 183 juchto Article 184 of the Criminal Code so as to make it clear that there were incidents of gross human rights violations in Paniai in 2014 in the form of murder and persecution as referred to in Article 9 letters a and h juchto Article 7 letter b of Law Number 26 Years 2000 on the Human Rights Court.

Incidents of gross human rights violations that occur due to the absence of effective control from military commanders who are de jure and/or de facto under their power and control, and do not prevent or stop the actions of their troops and also do not hand over the perpetrators to the competent authorities for action. investigation, investigation and prosecution, as referred to in Article 42 paragraph (1) of Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court.

The IS suspect was charged with multiple layers of articles, namely Article 42 paragraph (1) jo. Article 9 letter a jo. Article 7 letter b of Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning the Court of Human Rights.

Then, Article 40 jo. Article 9 letter h jo. Article 7 letter b of Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning the Court of Human Rights.

The Paniai incident occurred on December 8, 2014. When civilians were protesting about the beating of the TNI officers against youths at Karel Gobai Square, Enarotali, Paniai. The incident resulted in fatalities, namely four people died and 21 people were injured.

The Paniai incident is one of 13 cases of gross human rights violations that have been investigated by Komnas HAM.

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