JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy together with Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi chaired a coordination meeting to prepare for the 2022 Eid transportation.

This coordination meeting was carried out in order to increase synergy and collaboration between the government and other related elements, in order to anticipate the surge in homecomers and the increase in COVID-19 cases, through the provision of safe, secure, comfortable and healthy transportation.

Coordinating Minister Muhadjir said, based on the improving situation of the pandemic and the increasing number of people who had been vaccinated, the government this year allowed people to go home.

"However, the public still has to implement strict procedures (3M) so that the number of COVID-19 cases will be lower," Muhadjir said in a statement quoted by Antara, Friday, April 1.

Muhadjir said the key to the success of Eid transportation is the preparation of a fleet of transportation modes to anticipate a surge in passengers, as well as the application of health care discipline at transportation nodes.

"We must also take advantage of this period to continue to increase the number of vaccinations and we urge the public to immediately vaccinate," he said.

Budi Karya said that he had made a number of preparations in order to anticipate the soaring homecomers this year, which is predicted to reach around 79 million people.

"We are currently preparing a circular of technical instructions for the implementation of travel during the homecoming period by referring to the circular from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force," explained the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation emphasized that there will be no restrictions during the homecoming period this year.

However, the Ministry of Transportation in coordination with the TNI, Polri, Ministry of Health and Local Government, will conduct random checks (random checks) at points such as rest areas, terminals, and weighbridges, in an effort to ensure the implementation of the health program goes well, and also to encourage vaccination rates. .

Regarding the safety aspect, a number of efforts will be made by the Ministry of Transportation, including conducting a ramp check for the feasibility of mass transportation and conducting health checks on transportation crews.

Then, to maintain safety and smoothness, a number of measures have been prepared, such as traffic engineering management, as well as regulation of goods vehicles, such as: restrictions on 3-axis freight vehicles and restrictions on operating time for goods vehicles.

"The participation and support of the community by being a responsible traveler is an important factor in realizing a safe, safe, comfortable, healthy homecoming trip, and there is no increase in COVID-19 cases after the homecoming period," he said.

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