CENTRAL BANGKA - Central Bangka Regency Government, Bangka Belitung Islands, has prepared grants and social assistance for institutions outside government agencies amounting to Rp7.7 billion.

"The use of grants and social assistance sourced from the 2022 APBD must of course be in accordance with existing technical guidelines and regulations," said Central Bangka Regent, Algafry Rahman, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 1.

The Regent explained that the guidelines for the use of these funds were in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 77 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Regional Financial Management.

"It has also been further regulated by Regulation of the Central Bangka Regent Number 65 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Providing Grants and Social Assistance sourced from the APBD," explained the regent.

According to the regent, the socialization of the guidelines for the use of grants and social assistance funds is very important so that all can understand, equalize perceptions of reports and responsibilities as well as administering the provision of grants and social assistance funds in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

"Thus, in the future there will be no deviations that will result in negative responses or impressions," he said.

The provision of grants and social assistance sourced from the Central Bangka Regency APBD is a form of the local government's commitment to improve services to the community and improve government performance

"This supports the achievement of regional government development targets by paying attention to the principles of justice, obedience, rationality and benefits for the community," explained Algafry.

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