JAKARTA - Social media activist Eko Kuntadhi has raised his voice regarding the dismissal of former Minister of Health (Menkes) Terawan Agus Putranto from the membership of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). He considered it not a problem between Kadrun and kampret.

According to Eko, the removal of Terawan's name from the IDI membership list is purely a matter of inter-professional doctor. The disagreements that occurred in the public regarding IDI's decision to fire Terawan were also not related to religion.

"I don't think Terawan's dismissal can be brought to Cebong-Kadrun land, especially about religion. This is only a professional conflict," said Eko on his Twitter account, @_ekokuntadhi, Monday, March 28.

Eko assessed that Terawan's dismissal could be used as a moment of renewal in the medical professional organization. To the members of IDI, Eko said this could be the right time to take part in their professional organization.

"I hope this conflict becomes a momentum to create a new doctor's organization. The doctors just have to choose which one they want to join. It's fun..." he said

Terawan was dismissed from the IDI membership based on a decision of the Medical Ethics Honorary Council (MKEK) which was discussed during the 31st IDI Congress in Banda Aceh on 22-25 March. As a result of this decision, Terawan was not allowed to practice medicine.

Launching from the video of the 31st IDI congress in Aceh uploaded by UI Epidemiologist Pandu Riono, one of the committee members said that the decision to terminate was effective from the date it was stipulated.

"Terawan was permanently dismissed from IDI membership. One of the decisions of the XXXI Congress in Banda Aceh City," Pandu wrote.

Pandu said the case of serious ethical violations from doctor Terawan Agus Putranto had been processed since 2013. "The process is incomplete because there is no will to clarify from Dr. Terawan," he explained.

Furthermore, Pandu explained that Terawan's temporary dismissal had been carried out in 2018. "Before (President Joko Widodo appointed Terawan as Minister of Health)," he said.

Terawan's decision to dismiss Terawan from IDI's membership also caused controversy. Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, admitted that he would not remain silent about Terawan's dismissal.

Dasco asked the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to intervene and at the same time urge the revision of the Law on Medical Practice and the Law on Medical Education.

Dasco asked the Ministry of Health to review the dismissal recommendations issued by MKEK IDI, especially from the legal and statutory aspects. He considered this decision dangerous for the future of the medical world in Indonesia.

"With this MKEK recommendation, I am afraid that it will become jurisprudence for similar problems in the future, thus causing our doctors to be afraid to innovate with their various researches. This is not only about Pak Terawan, but the future of the medical world us," Dasco said in a written statement, Saturday, March 26.

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