SUMSEL - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sumatra is trying to improve the preparedness and security of correctional institutions (Lapas) and state detention centers (Rutan) in its territory where the number of occupants exceeds the capacity.

To increase the preparedness of security personnel, the Head of the Regional Office (Kakanwil) of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Harun Sulianto, said that he often conducts sudden inspections of prisons and remand centers on holidays and weekends. According to him, holidays and weekends are prone to disturbances in security and order.

"Holidays are a vulnerable time, especially in prisons where the number of occupants is above the capacity, therefore it requires special attention by increasing the preparedness of security personnel and supporting facilities", said Harun who inspected Class II-A Banyuasin Prison on Sunday, March 27.

To improve the security of inhabited prisons and detention centers above their capacity, he said, his party is trying to add security personnel and supporting facilities that use technology.

Supporting facilities used to increase or maximize security using technology such as surveillance cameras (CCTV), opening and closing doors at guard posts using fingerprint sensors.

Then install emergency alarms in each detention room so that if there is an emergency need, the prisoners in prison can turn it on and the officers immediately respond to assist.

"Through these efforts, it is hoped that the occurrence of escaped prisoners, the use of gadgets/mobile phones, extortion and drug abuse, disturbances of security and order in prisons and remand centers and other problems", he said.

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