JAKARTA - A gang of robbers with the mode of debt collector or debt collector of a leasing has again occurred at Jalan Inspeksi Tarum, Serong Bridge, Cipinang Melayu Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta.

This time, the robbery with this method happened to the victim Khaerul Ilham (23), a resident of Cibarusah, Bekasi City. In fact, the reckless actions of the perpetrators were carried out during the day. As a result of the incident, the victim lost his Honda motorcycle with the white color B 5346 FEJ police number.

In addition to the motorbikes that were robbed, the gang of perpetrators also confiscated vehicle registration certificates and other valuables belonging to the victims. According to Khaerul's statement to the police in the police report, the incident occurred on Wednesday, March 23, yesterday. The perpetrators carried out the reckless action at noon around 14.00 WIB.

"At the beginning of the incident, I was driving a motorbike and then at the scene of the incident 4 people with 2 motorbikes stopped me. Then the perpetrator pretended to ask for installment payments," said the victim when confirmed by VOI, Monday, March 28. Then, he continued, 2 more people came with 2 motorbikes.

"The perpetrator claimed to be taking him to Adira's office. But when I was traveling and the road was quiet, I was actually dropped off on the street. The perpetrators took my motorbike and vehicle registration certificate," he said.

Realizing that he had become a victim of a crime, the victim reported the case to the Makassar Police. When confirmed, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Makassar Police, Iptu M Zen, confirmed that there was a robbery incident with the debt collector mode. They have also received reports of victims.

"Yes, it is true, while it is still being investigated. The robbery accused the victim of being in arrears on the leasing installments," he said in short when contacted by VOI, Monday, March 28.

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