JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs inaugurated the application for the personnel information system (Sikawan) while simultaneously holding socialization and technical guidance on its use to the ranks of the Ministry of Home Affairs and local governments.

"We can't work manually anymore ladies and gentlemen, once again, we can't work manually," said Head of the Ministry of Home Affairs Personnel Bureau Rahajeng Purwianti in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday, March 24.

Sikawan is an application to assist in administrative services for the transfer of civil servants (PNS) from the regions to the Ministry of Home Affairs, from the Ministry of Home Affairs to the regions, as well as transfers between work units within the Ministry of Home Affairs.

In addition, the application also assists in the processing of permits and study assignments for civil servants at the Ministry of Home Affairs. Through this application, personnel management is expected to be cleaner, more effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, and support digital government programs to serve. Rahajeng Purwianti said that amid technological developments and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, ASN is required to be able to provide faster services, smart, cheap, easy, and better.

Therefore, the existence of the Sikawan application is part of an effort to utilize technology in the field of public services in the midst of industry 4.0. The development of the application, according to Rahajeng, is also in line with Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 95 of 2018 concerning an electronic-based government system (SPBE).

Through this regulation, all government agencies both at the central and regional levels are encouraged to take advantage of advances in information technology. With this utilization, it is believed that the services provided can take place more quickly.

However, Rahajeng reminded that in the midst of fast-paced technological developments, ASN must continue to work by upholding integrity and loyalty.

Especially at this time, ASN has core values BerAKHLAK which was born to create a better work culture. BerAKHLAK stands for service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative.

Rahajeng hopes that through the Sikawan application, services related to staffing can run better and minimize physical encounters.

"So that whoever provides services later is expected to have really instilled in their heart to be service-oriented to BerAKHLAK," he said.

Then, according to Rahajeng, her party is also open to various inputs from participants regarding efforts to develop the Sikawan application in the future.

Rahajeng said that her party will periodically evaluate the performance of the Sikawan application, so that it can continue to improve for the better.

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