SURABAYA - Two pairs of candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of Surabaya, East Java give meaning to the serial number of candidates in the Surabaya Pilkada.

Candidate pair Eri-Armuji interprets serial number 1 as the first principle of Pancasila, namely Godhead in One God. According to Eri, serial number 1 is part of the Divine value.

"Everything is from Allah. Therefore we start, we intend our movement to be from lillahita'alla. So it is not just for power, not just for victory, but God willing because of lillahita'alla," said Eri after getting serial number 1 in the Meeting. Plenary Draw for Candidates for Serial Number of Candidates held by KPU Surabaya in Surabaya, Thursday, September 24.

Meanwhile, the Machfud-Mujiaman candidate pair admitted that the number 2 candidate matched his expectations. Because indeed the struggle he built with Mujiaman Sukirno as a candidate for deputy mayor was a super team that required togetherness.

"So it is as expected because it is indeed a super team. Together with all residents, all supporting parties, all volunteers, the entire community, then environmental cadres, all residents, including fishermen, farmers in Surabaya, work hand in hand to build the city of Surabaya," he said. Machfud.

Machfud also remembered about the victory or victory in interpreting number 2. He also reminded again that Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla had received serial number 2 in the 2014 presidential election.

"Pak Jokowi in the first round got number 2 as well. Number 2 is a symbol of victory, a symbol of victory and is a collaboration of the entire team," he said.

The former East Java Regional Police Chief said that he and Mujiaman promised he would prosper the people of Surabaya. Like their campaign tagline, 'Forward Kotane, Makmur Wargane'.

"I am with Pak Mujiaman as a unit to be determined to prosper the people of Surabaya. God willing, this is the same number of victories as Pak Jokowi during the 2014 presidential election," Machfud said.

Eri Cahyadi-Armuji supported by the PDI-P. Meanwhile Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman was promoted by the Golkar, NasDem, Democrat, PKB, PAN, PPP, Gerindra and PKS parties.

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