YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X asked residents who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 and had comorbidities or comorbidities to immediately undergo isolation in the centralized isolation facility (isoter) that had been provided. independent), immediately in isoter, so it's not too late," said Sultan in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, March 22. Meanwhile, patients who do not have comorbidities, on average, can recover after three to five days of isolation. "If the death rate is because he has another disease. Yes, this is indeed a pandemic in the sense of corona, but his death may be due to spots on the heart, ( disease) sugar, or heart disease and so on," said the King of the Yogyakarta Palace, quoted by Antara.

Therefore, he requested that residents who are infected with COVID-19 with comorbidities do not choose isoman at home so that it is not too late to receive medical treatment. other things that are congenital and we can't predict it," said the Sultan. Yogyakarta Regional Government data as of March 21, 2022 recorded an additional eight cases of death or 2.63 percent, bringing the cumulative number of deaths in DIY to 5,716 cases. The eight deaths came from Bantul Regency has three cases, Kulon Progo has two cases, Gunung Kidul has two cases, and Sleman has one case. Meanwhile, the addition of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Yogyakarta was 215 cases, bringing the total confirmed cases to 217,548 cases.

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