JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin views the need for superior human resources (HR) who have capabilities in the fields of agricultural technology, trade, and industry to be able to prosper the earth.
This was conveyed by the Vice President at the launch of the Agricultural Corporatization Pilot Project in Supporting the Kopontren-Based Halal Value Chain Ecosystem at the Al Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School, Bandung Regency, West Java, Tuesday.
"The key is superior human resources, superior human resources, who know, have agricultural technology, trade, industry, and so on," said the Vice President in a press release received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.
The Vice President sees the need to provide training in order to create superior human resources.
Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the issue of prospering the earth, developing the agricultural economy, is also part of sharia and also part of worship.
He said that pesantren had a very big role, especially in advancing the people's economy. In accordance with the three functions of pesantren as stated in the law, apart from being an educational and da'wah institution, pesantren also has a function as an economic empowerment of the community.
"Specifically, I support the pesantren-based economic empowerment program as an effort to improve the welfare of the community. The students who study religion can also take an active role in economic empowerment, starting from the community around the pesantren, as well as of course far away," said the Vice President. .
The vice president stated that the strong influence in the community makes pesantren a conducive place to encourage the economic transformation of the community effectively.
"This is what we expect. So, he becomes a kind of dynamo that can move the economic life of the community," he said.
The Vice President also appreciated the efforts of Al Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School in carrying out its mandate to prosper the earth and empower the economy of the people who made it happen through a business called Alif Mart.
"I appreciate the Al Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School Cooperative or Kopontren Alif Mart, which has empowered 270 farmers from nine farmer groups in three districts. The number of farmers who join this cooperative is also expected to increase," said the Vice President.
The vice president received information that Alif Mart had implemented a cropping pattern according to market demand.
"We can still adopt good agriculture practices and good handling practices so that the quality and safety of our vegetable products are guaranteed," said the Vice President.
He continued, "I think this is something I appreciate. In fact, he said there is also processing of damaged vegetables to become animal feed. So, what is damaged is made animal feed."
Furthermore, the waste from the farm is reprocessed into fertilizer. Everything can be used, nothing is wasted.
"Thus, the processing ecosystem will be very good, I think we need to develop this," he added.
Closing his remarks, the Vice President hopes that the good pattern that has been carried out by the Al Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School can be an inspiration for other pesantren and good cooperation with all related parties can be continuously improved so that the existence of this strategy in the active list of the halal industry chain is maintained.
According to him, these various superior potentials must be developed so that what this pesantren is doing can contribute to the development of the sharia economy in Indonesia through the business units it manages.
Therefore, the Vice President deems it necessary to increase synergies and partnerships with the Government, banks, and other stakeholders to enter and be active in the value chain of the halal industry.
Meanwhile, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said that based on the survey results, West Java land is included in 1 of the 10 most fertile soils in the world.
It was also conveyed that the results of the analysis carried out by his staff showed that the food sector was one of the sectors that was not affected by the crisis.
For this reason, Ridwan believes that the combination of food and technology is a good collaboration and can have a sustainable impact.
"Food is an economy that is not affected by the pandemic. So, during our 2-year study, almost all economies fell, except for food and digital. So, if these two are combined, namely food and technology, we believe this is the future," said Ridwan.
In addition to the Governor of West Java, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki, Forkopimda of West Java Province, the Regent of Bandung Dadang Supriatna, and the board of the Al Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School were also present.
On that occasion, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Secretariat of the Vice President Ahmad Erani Yustika, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, Special Staff for the Vice President for Politics and Institutional Relations Robikin Emhas, Special Staff for the Vice President for Economics and Finance Lukmanul Hakim, Expert Team for Vice President Farhat Brachma , the Head of the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Noor Achmad, and the Head of the Baznas for Distribution and Utilization Saidah Sakwan.
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