JAKARTA - The house where the death of one family is suspected to have been caused by electric shock on Jalan Pulomas Barat 12, No. 4, RT 003/10, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, looks deserted and quiet. There is no activity from local residents and neighbors.

It's just that several security guards were seen in front of the house monitoring the presence of the media crew who wanted to cover.

The security had prevented the media from covering in front of the victim's house. In fact, the security complex had banned the national television media from broadcasting live at the scene.

"No, you have to get permission from the owner of the house first. Whatever it is," said one security guard in a high tone to VOI at the location, Monday, March 21, afternoon.

Based on VOI monitoring at the scene, the fence of the victim's house is still tightly closed. There is no yellow police line installed on the fence of the house.

"No police have conducted a TKP this day (Monday afternoon). Only last night," said the security guard as he walked away.

Residents around the location who are about 50 meters away are also still monitoring from a distance. When asked by the media crew, residents who were at the place did not comment.

However, several other residents said that the housing complex at the scene was quiet as usual. Usually the residents of the house do not socialize to local residents or neighbors though.

"It's really quiet here every day. I never socialize," said RD, one of the residents who asked to remain anonymous.

Previously, the East Jakarta Metro Police said that they had resumed processing the crime scene (TKP) at the residence where a family was electrocuted on Jalan Pulomas Barat 12, No. 4, RT 003/10, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Budi Sartono said today the East Jakarta Police will return to the scene to determine the cause of the death of the four victims.

"Research the crime scene again to make sure that the short circuit is true or not. We will call an expert witness from the Forensic Laboratory to determine whether the short circuit is or not," said Kombes Pol Budi Sartono when confirmed by VOI, Monday, March 21, afternoon.

Until now, the bodies of a family named Bernard Gunawan (37) husband, Novianti (29) wife and their child with the initials EA (1) a toddler boy have been at Heaven's funeral home, North Jakarta. Meanwhile, Sumiati's body, the babysitter, has been brought to her hometown for burial.

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