JAKARTA - South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Budhi Herdi Susianto said Geisha Band guitarist Roby Satria was threatened with a maximum sentence of 13 years. After being proven to have abused marijuana.

For information, the police have named Roby Satria and his assistant, AJR as suspects, on suspicion of drug abuse.

They were arrested at Studio House, Pancoran, South Jakarta, Saturday, March 19, if it was night.

"(Roby) is threatened with Article 111 paragraph 1 subsidiary 127 paragraph 1 Jo 132 paragraph 1 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, the threat is a minimum of 4 years (maximum) 12 years," Budhi told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday. March 21.

Meanwhile, for assistant Robby, AJR will be charged with Article 114 paragraph 1 subsidiary 111 subsidiary 127 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics for short, 5 years, maximum 20 years.

"(AJR) Article 114 paragraph 1 subsidiary 111 subsidiary 127 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics for a minimum of 5 years 20 years," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the police arrested the guitarist of the Geisha band with the initials RS on suspicion of abusing marijuana. Hospital was arrested in Pancoran, South Jakarta, Saturday, March 19, evening.

"Yes, that's right, (Saturday) night, we secured it at 21.00 WIB, it was secured at one of the workplaces," said Deputy Head of Drugs Unit, Police Commissioner Mobri Cardo Panjaitan when confirmed, Sunday, March 20.

Mobri explained that he was arrested with his colleague, AR and evidence of marijuana weighing 8 grams. In addition, the police also secured a used roll.

"We secured marijuana weighing 8 grams and one roll used for marijuana," he explained.

Mobri said the arrests were based on reports from the public. Now both have been named suspects.

Yes, we can confirm it, because we both use it," he said.

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