JAKARTA - The Education Office of Tangerang Regency, Banten is still reviewing and evaluating the plan to implement 100 percent Face-to-face Learning (PTM) for elementary and junior high school students in the area.

"We will implement 100 percent PTM, if indeed in each school the second stage of vaccination has exceeded 85 percent. Only then will we allow it," said Head of the Tangerang Regency Education Office, Syaifullah in Tangerang, Monday, March 21.

He explained that the face-to-face learning process with 100 percent capacity would be implemented if each of the education units had met the COVID-19 vaccination target of at least 85 percent, according to the standards set by the Task Force team.

"But until now, we are still waiting for reports from educational units from each region. Because now we have not received reports. That's why we encourage educational units to intensify the achievements of COVID-19 vaccination," said Syaifullah as quoted by Antara.

He admitted, his party is still communicating and coordinating with the Tangerang Regency COVID-19 Task Force team regarding the proposal for the implementation of the 100 percent PTM, as well as the evaluation of learning that is currently being carried out in stages.

"Alhamdulillah, for the implementation of PTM 50 percent is still running smoothly and safely, because several schools are implementing mid-term exams (UTS)," he said.

He revealed, if later all educational units in his area had met the target of achieving the second stage of vaccination, the Tangerang District Education Office would immediately recommend the plan to the Tangerang Regent, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar as the head of the Task Force.

"Of course, if all of the requirements are met, we will immediately open a full PTM," he said.

The implementation of limited PTM which is currently being implemented in Tangerang Regency refers to the Dindik Circular No. 420/823/Dindik concerning limited PTM designated for PAUD, SD, SMP, and MTS levels.

The circular regulates the provisions for the implementation of limited PTM, ranging from parental approval to technical rules aimed at protecting students and resource personnel in education units from the potential transmission of the coronavirus.

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