JAKARTA - A resident is reported to have died when a fire broke out in a residential area on Jalan Pangeran Antasari Gang Cempaka, Cipete Utara Village, Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta. South Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (PKP), Herbert Plider, when confirmed in Jakarta, Saturday, March 19. Herbert said the fire occurred on Saturday at around 06.00 WIB, the fire emerged from one or another building and eventually spread to other buildings. "It is suspected that the cause was an electric short circuit in one of the buildings," said Herbert, quoted by Antara. As a result of the incident, 25 heads of families consisting of 70 people lost their homes. "The victim died living in one of the burning buildings," he said. According to him, when the noble fire spread, the victim had time to get out to save himself, but moments later the victim went back in, allegedly wanting to retrieve the items left inside.

"At the time of the fire, there was a witness who saw the victim had left the room, but then went back into the burning location," he explained. After that, the witness did not see the victim again. The victim was later found dead when the extinguishing process was completed. Herbert said the extinguishing process was completed at 07.35 WIB by deploying 18 pump cars and 108 personnel. Police officers are planned to conduct a crime scene (TKP) at the location.

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