KALBAR - The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs made efforts to pick up the ball. The result is the issuance of 1,222 population documents for residents of the Entikong sub-district, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan). Zudan Arif Fakrulloh in his statement, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 18. The ball pick-up activity was carried out on March 15-17, 2022, in the border area between countries, Entikong District. This effort is a collaboration between the Dukcapil of West Kalimantan Province and the Dukcapil of Sanggau Regency. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said that of the total population of Entikong District of 18,415 people, 1,144 people have not recorded electronic ID cards. This service received an enthusiastic response from the public to get administrative services, considering their domicile location which is geographically quite difficult to reach the Disdukcapil regular services. outermost areas in Kaltara, Belu and other areas," said Zudan.

Director of Population Registration at the Directorate General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs, David Yama, said the 1,222 population documents that had been issued were a ball pick-up service program that was held for 3 days. .

Then, he continued, the services provided were recording aged 16-17 years less than 1 day for 26 people, printing electronic ID cards from new or damaged recordings and replacing data elements as many as 505 pieces.

"Print 324 KIA copies, print 317 family cards, 54 birth certificates, 10 marriage certificates, 8 death certificates, and 4 child legitimacy certificates. The total number of documents issued is 1,222 Population Documents," said Yama. Previously, the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian fully supported the steps taken by the Directorate General of Dukcapil in order to reach services to all Indonesian residents because population documents were the basic capital in other public services.

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