JAKARTA - The defendants Brigadier Fikri Ramadhan and Ipda M Yusmin Ohorella in the case of the FPI Laskar shooting in the KM 50 Cikampek Toll Road incident were acquitted on Friday, March 18.

PSI politician Mohamad Guntur Romli alias Gun Romli is grateful for the South Jakarta District Court's decision to release the two policemen who shot the FPI Laskar.

"Alhamdulillah, 2 police officers who shot the FPI Troops were acquitted!" said Gun Romli in his Ttwitter account, @GunRomli, Friday 18 March.

The actions of Brigadier Fikri and Ipda M Yusmin were included in the primary charges in the context of the defense being forced to exceed the limit. As a result, both of them cannot be subject to criminal charges because they are in the category of self-defense.

Previously, First Brigadier Fikri and Ipda M Yusmin were demanded by the prosecutor to be in prison for six years because they were legally and convincingly proven to have committed a crime according to the existing indictment.

The two of them together with Ipda Elwira Priadi Z, who died in an accident in January 2022, were involved in a chase and shootout with members of the FPI Laskar in the KM 50 area of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road.

Prosecutors said the three members of the Indonesian National Police shot at close range members of the Laskar FPI.

First Brigadier Fikri and Ipda M Yusmin were suspected by the prosecutor of violating Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding intentional murder in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

In addition, both of them were also charged with Article 351 paragraph 3 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code regarding persecution that resulted in death.

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