Ferrari Seller To Indra Kenz, Rudy Salim Fulfills The Call Of The Criminal Investigation Unit But Is Economical In Speaking
Rudy Salim/Photo: Instagram account @_rudysalim

JAKARTA - Businessman Rudy Salim fulfills a summons for an examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. He is a witness related to the flow of funds in the online gambling case under the guise of Binomo with the suspect Indra Kenz.

According to VOI monitoring, Rudy Salim arrived at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police at around 09.40 WIB. This businessman in the field of buying and selling luxury cars is seen wearing a navy blue suit. He was accompanied by several attorneys.

Rudy Salim chose to be efficient in speaking despite being bombarded with questions by the media. He just kept walking towards the Bareskrim Polri lobby to undergo an examination.

"It hasn't been investigated yet," said Rudy. In addition, Rudy's attorney, Frank Hutapea promised to give a statement after the investigation was completed. Because, currently do not know in detail about the examination of his client.

"Later, after the Minutes of Examination," he said.

Rudy Salim was dragged into the Indra Kenz case because he was involved in buying and selling Ferrari cars. Thus, investigators will explore the origin of the car which has now become evidence related to the crime of money laundering (TPPU).

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