SEMARANG - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, received an award from the Dog Meat-Free Indonesia Coalition (DMFI) for being serious about supporting the dog meat-free campaign in Central Java Province. Ganjar urges that education related to DMFI is not only limited to rules and punishments but how to use dogs according to their expertise.

"Earlier we met and gathered to educate the public. Stop eating dog meat. We encourage dogs to function that can be performed, such as K9 (police sniffer dog), then they can be funny guarding the garden, guarding the house. more important," said Ganjar Pranowo in his activity after receiving the award at the Tentrem Hotel, Semarang, Thursday, March 17.

In addition to the Governor of Central Java and the Office of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of Central Java Province, there are several regencies/cities that have also received similar awards. Other agencies such as the police and activists who are keen to campaign for DMFI also received awards at the event.

According to Ganjar, the award given by DMFI is a testament to the seriousness of the local government, police, and activists so that Central Java is free from the trade and consumption of dog meat.

"For example, Sukoharjo has acted and (the case) has gone to court. Then several regencies/cities such as Brebes have made rules or regulations to trade or eat dog meat," said Ganjar Pranowo, who is from the PDIP Party.

By regulation, the consumption of dog meat is indeed prohibited because of the potential for transmitting animal diseases to humans. As stated by the Director of Verterinary Public Health of the Ministry of Agriculture, Syamsul Ma'arif, who attended the award ceremony.

"From the ministry of agriculture, the director of veterinary public health said that the regulation is indeed prohibited and the potential for disease is high because dog meat is not for consumption," explained the PDIP politician.

Ganjar added, education to the public about DMFI must be carried out together and continuously. The pattern used must also be easily accepted by the community. He is also ready to facilitate dog meat traders to switch to selling other meats such as chicken, goat, or beef.

"I ask all the people of Central Java, let's stop eating dog meat. Those who sell dog meat, sengsu, herbs, or whatever the term is please stop. Replace it with other meat later. We are ready to help to transform it. So I ask for the pattern not only to increase punishment, but let's educate together," concluded Ganjar Pranowo in his statement.

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