PEKANBARU - All sub-districts in Pekanbaru City are now free from the COVID-19 red zone as of March 13-19 2022. The community is asked to remain disciplined to maintain this situation.

"Nevertheless, there are still sub-districts that have yellow and orange zones, so health protocols must still be implemented," said Pekanbaru City Health Office Head Zaini Rizaldy Saragih in Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, March 15.

He said, from the results of the mapping, as many as 11 sub-districts had the status of an orange zone and four others had the status of a yellow zone for the spread of COVID-19.

The eleven sub-districts included in the orange zone with a moderate level of risk of transmission consist of the Districts of Binawidya, Bukit Raya, Limapuluh, Marpoyan Damai, Payung Sekaki, Rumbai, West Rumbai, Senapelan, Sukajadi, Tenayan Raya and Tuah Madani.

"Meanwhile, four sub-districts have the status of a yellow zone with a low level of risk of transmission, namely Kulim District, Pekanbaru City, East Rumbai and Sail," said Zaini.

Meanwhile, for the mapping of the COVID-19 risk zone at the kelurahan level, this week there are still 41 kelurahan that remain in the red zone, 15 kelurahan in the orange zone, 21 kelurahan in the yellow zone and 6 more wards have returned to the green zone or are no longer affected by COVID-19.

There are also 41 red zone villages with a high level of risk of transmission consisting of West Sidomulyo, Rejo Sari, East Sidomulyo, Tuah Karya, Maharatu, Central Tangkerang, West Tangkerang, Tangkerang, Delima, East Labuhbaru, Simpang Baru, Air Cold, Tobek Gadang, East Tangkerang, South Tangkerang, Handsome, Simpang Tiga and Tangkerang Labuai.

Then West Labuhbaru, Sialang Munggu, Air Hitam, Umban Sari, Perhentian Marpoyan, New Limbungan, Sialang Sakti, Air Putih, Sri Meranti, Bandar Raya, Cinta Raja and Suka Mulia.

Then there are Tanjung Rhu Villages, Baru Villages, Middle Villages, Kedungsari, Rintis, Sekip, Limbungan, Padang Terubuk, Coastal, Sumailang, and Wonorejo Villages.

"Meanwhile, the 6 green zone villages are Melebung, Pebatuan, Rantau Panjang, Sungai Ambang, Ukai and Tuah Negeri," said Zaini.

With this condition, said Zaini, the residents of the capital city of Pekanbaru still have to be disciplined in the process, especially using masks and maintaining distance when doing their daily activities.

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